Miska Paget
The Best Horses In Heaven-They Have No Tails
Miska Paget’s debut release really is an introduction to her as, track by track, we meet her, those around her and gain insight into her experiences.
Unlike the renowned Baxter Black, Paget remains a working veterinarian who reports having created more than one of her poems seated in her truck after seeing a patient. Hers is a deliberate, measured delivery of her poems, which are involving, flowing and descriptive. It’s noteworthy that none of the wording comes off as being contrived to make a rhyme.
When I spotted a poem in her roster entitled “Wiley Jim,” I wondered if it would be about one of the Pfeiffer Brothers (old WMA reference, don’t bother yourself)! It’s not. But it is an album pick, as are the title track (which means they did their jobs well enough to motivate their owners to keep a remembrance), “Barbara Bush” (no spring chicken) and “The Brand” (hopefully the “KP” doesn’t also mean “kitchen police”). Eleven tracks, recommended.
CD: $15 + $5 s/h check or MO from Miska Paget, 15320 N. Puntenney Road, Prescott, AZ zipcode
and download through amazon, iTunes, Pandora and Spotify.
– by Rick Huff